Low-Stress Holidays: The Art of the Gift Basket

2017-12-01_13-04-42via ApartmentTherapy.com – Growing up, I remember the time leading up to Christmas being weeks that my mother had the makings of her annual gift baskets strewn throughout our infrequently used formal dining room. Baskets or buckets, Carrs crackers, pepper jellies, candied pecans were a few of the items. Oh, and rolls and rolls of cellophane and ribbon. Our dining room became her own little elf workshop where she carefully put together anywhere from 10-50 gifts for the people in her life – co-workers, teachers, neighbors, and distant relatives who might unexpectedly drop by for a holiday visit.

While I personally couldn’t stand the look of cellophane and curled ribbons (I know, what 10-year-old isn’t into curled ribbons?), I did appreciate the attention she put into making the perfect gift basket. It is, in fact, an art.

If you’ve turned your nose up at gift baskets in the past, I’m with you. They can be tacky, impersonal, and sometimes just full of, how shall I say, crap. But knowing how much time and effort my mother put into creating the perfect assortment, it might just be the way to go this holiday season – especially if you’re gifting to the masses.

Follow these simple guidelines for the best gift basket:

  1. Pick a theme. Having a game plan helps guide you in all your purchases. Think themes like A Cozy Night At Home, Family Game Night, Gifts for Hosting, or End-of-Semester Teacher Survival Kit to get you on the right track.
  2. Start with a good container. Pick something that can easily be reused or repurposed. And by all means, don’t just go for a brown basket! (See our favorite picks below.)


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